Why I Made a #Bookstagram Account During Quarantine

Haven’t we all come up with new ways to entertain ourselves by now?

Mary O'Brien
6 min readJun 15, 2020
Photo courtesy of Annie Spratt on Unsplash

In case you have never ventured into the world of Bookstagram, allow me to be your guide.

Bookstagram is, at its most basic level, a hashtag. A painfully obvious and yet much beloved play on the words “book” and “Instagram” to draw the interest of users who enjoy both. What Bookstagram has evolved into, however, over the course of the last several years is a community — a veritable extended family of social media lovers who read.

This evolution has led to many a book blogger (and BookTuber for that matter) gaining online credibility and notoriety, but it has also created a space within the popular social media platform not wholly reserved for selfies, vacay photos, and adorable pets. Call me an idealistic nutter if you like, but there is something to be said for a subsect dedicated not to the comparison of lives and the near-constant barrage of FOMO, but instead committed to the magnificence of one’s bookshelf. While the rest of Instagram demands I parade an aesthetically pleasing life for all to compare alongside their own, Bookstagram merely wants to see what I’ve been reading.

It’s no secret that I, too…



Mary O'Brien

Reader of memoirs, novels, and cookbooks. Writer of lists, essays, and short stories. If I’m not baking, I’m running. If neither, I’m in personal crisis.