TikTok Made Me Read It, Part Two

Why, yes… there’s much more.

Mary O'Brien
6 min readApr 29, 2021
Photo by Daniel Frank on Unsplash

If you’re not on TikTok by now, I’m not totally sure whether to congratulate or scold you.

On the one hand, it is a monumental time suck.

On the other hand, it has evolved into a delightful wealth of knowledge for everything from recipes to DIY home projects to political analysis to car maintenance to fitness routines. Sixty second video snippets of information delivered directly to your phone for the ultimate “what fun new thing can I learn today?”

Having been on this app for the better part of two years now, I am painfully aware that its algorithm knows me well (still not sold on whether that’s a good or a bad thing), and it knows that the content I consume with nearly as much enthusiasm as I Fast Pass my beloved Lore Olympus web comics is BookTok.

BookTok, like BookTube and Bookstagram before it, has created a space within a social media platform for readers, writers, reviewers, and other literature enthusiasts to share what they love (or don’t) about books.

With this surge of online literary interest, of course, comes many a recommendation.

And I, impressionable and devout bookworm that I am, was loathe to scroll by and allow such suggestions to merely fade into the ether.



Mary O'Brien

Reader of memoirs, novels, and cookbooks. Writer of lists, essays, and short stories. If I’m not baking, I’m running. If neither, I’m in personal crisis.