Three Months After Losing My Job

It doesn’t feel great, but it was for the best.

Mary O'Brien
4 min readDec 19, 2023
Photo by Anthony Tran via Unsplash

I was let go from my job in September. It was abrupt, and it was necessary.

I am incredibly fortunate (and I fully recognize and appreciate the enormous privilege it is for me to say this) that such a thing did not plunge me into panic. I have been dirt broke more than a few times in my life (think bounced rent checks and selling clothes at the secondhand store in order to afford that week’s groceries), and a loss of income during those times would have absolutely wrecked me into a full-blown anxiety spiral.

This, though, was a blessing. I’d had a few cosmic signs that something big was coming, a shift I may or may not have been ready for. When you keep pulling “Death” and/or “The Fool” (sometimes in sequence) in your tarot reads, you should perhaps take it as a sign from the universe that the times, they are a-changin’.

So when this, an otherwise gut-wrenching Very Big Deal, happened one Friday afternoon in September, I was oddly accepting. I closed my work laptop and went on with my day. I did some laundry, I made dinner with my family, and I poured myself a glass of Prosecco to drink in front of Netflix. All told, a perfectly nice evening. And the weekend that followed was lovely.



Mary O'Brien

Reader of memoirs, novels, and cookbooks. Writer of lists, essays, and short stories. If I’m not baking, I’m running. If neither, I’m in personal crisis.